Colegio de España
Spanish Courses in Salamanca
Founded in 1973, the Colegio de España is a reference centre in Salamanca and all over the world to learn the Spanish language.
At the Colegio de España we offer more than twenty different courses, six levels of language and we also offer the possibility to adapt your courses or design them according to your needs so that you can study Spanish in any circumstance.
The Colegio de España team is made up of professionals with more than 30 years of experience in teaching Spanish, and stands out for its familiar, close and personalized attention to each student.
All our teachers are native speakers and have a university degree in Linguistics and Humanities with an experience of more than 30 years. Moreover they have a specific training in Spanish Language Teaching.
Our main objective is that you fall in love with our language, our culture and our city, and that the Colegio de España becomes a new home for you.
You’re the most important thing to us.
Colegio de España
Spanish Courses in Salamanca
The Colegio de España team is made up of professionals with more than 30 years of experience in teaching Spanish, and stands out for its familiar, close and personalized attention to each student.
All our teachers are native speakers and have a university degree in Linguistics and Humanities with an experience of more than 30 years. Moreover they have a specific training in Spanish Language Teaching.
Our main objective is that you fall in love with our language, our culture and our city, and that the Colegio de España becomes a new home for you.
You’re the most important thing to us.

What sets us apart from other schools?
We are accredited
Colegio de España has been Accredited Centre by Instituto Cervantes, which means it meets the conditions set by the Instituto Cervantes Accreditation System for Centres, the only international accreditation exclusively focused on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

We are an Official Examination Centre for the DELE Examinations. The teachers of our DELE courses are certified as official examiners by the Cervantes Institute. You can prepare and take the exam with us.

We are authorized by the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid to realize different exams: Spanish for Business, Academic Spanish, Spanish for Tourism or Spanish for Health Sciences.
Our students
If there's one thing that stands out about the Colegio de España, it's our students. Thanks to them, today we are who we are and we love being able to continue growing with each experience they give us. We form a great family!
Our students
If there's one thing that stands out about the Colegio de España, it's our students. Thanks to them, today we are who we are and we love being able to continue growing with each experience they give us. We form a great family!
Our Team

Throughout these years, I have taken different specialized courses in ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language), History and History of Art and Ethnography of Spain, organized by the Cervantes Institute, the University of León, the University of Salamanca, etc., among which it is worth mentioning:
- Methodology course for teaching Spanish: theory and practice.
- The strategic component in the learning of Spanish as a second language.
- Grammar analysis course.
- Evaluation of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Communication and interaction in class of Spanish as a foreign language.
- The importance of image in communication.
- History of music.
- Today's Spanish art: analysis and didactics.
Together with José Luis de Celis, I am the co-author of the artistic guide 'Salamanca, Patrimonio de la Humanidad' and author of several didactic materials: 'Cuaderno de Ejercicios. Nivel B1', and the notebooks 'Historia de España’, 'Historia del arte español', 'Historia de España contemporánea a través del arte' and 'Tradiciones de España'. Since 2006, I have collaborated closely with the Cultural Institution 'Alfonso X, el Sabio' in Salamanca in organizing its activity program and cultural trips.

In 2008 I began my career as manager of the Colegio de España, from which I have not disassociated myself for a single moment.
I speak Spanish and English.
As a complement to my professional training I have done several courses among which:
-Marketing techniques.
-Computer applications for graphic design.
-Online marketing for Spanish language centres.
-Administration and management of companies.
-Master of Digital Marketing (Community Manager, WordPress, official certification of Google Adwords, Seo, Digital Contents, official certification of Google Analytics).
-Photoshop course.
-English courses at various levels.

I have taken several training courses and workshops, given by different organizations, such as:
- Management of time, resources and facilities.
- Screens and data visualization.
- SACIC: Self-evaluation and development of improvement plans.
- Web Marketing and Electronic Commerce.
- Practical workshop to improve academic management.

I have taken numerous specialization courses in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, understanding and treatment of the educational context and other subjects related to the field of education and psychology organized by the Cervantes Institute, the University of Salamanca, the Spanish Confederation of Teaching Centres, etc.:
- Communication and interaction in Spanish as a foreign language.
- Active learning of grammar.
- Evaluation of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Exploitation of didactic resources in the language classroom.
- The importance of image in communication.
- Group dynamics in the Spanish classroom.
- Spanish for professional use: didactics and evaluation.
- The strategic component in the learning of Spanish as a second language.
- Sociolinguistic adaptation: attention to foreign students.
I have collaborated in the elaboration of materials of the Colegio de España and I am co-author of: 'Cuaderno de Ejercicios Niveles B2 y C1'.

Throughout my professional career I have attended several courses and congresses on teaching and everything related to the world of Spanish organized by the Cervantes Institute, the University of Salamanca, the Spanish Confederation of Teaching Centres, etc. as:
- Intercomprehension: a new way of teaching languages.
- Communication and interaction in the classroom of Spanish as a foreign language.
- International Congress on Spanish as a value and resource, tourist and economic.
- Active learning of grammar.
- The teaching of grammar in the ELE classroom. Specific problems for non-native speakers.
- Assessment in Spanish as a foreign language class.
- Exploitation of didactic resources in the language classroom.
I have collaborated in the elaboration of materials of the Colegio de España and I am the author of the 'Cuaderno de Ejercicios. Nivel A2'.

I have taken several specialization courses given by the Centre of Teachers and Resources of the Junta of Castile and León, by the Cervantes Institute, by the University of Salamanca, etc. as:
- The evaluation of Spanish as a foreign language.
- The strategic component in the learning of Spanish as a second language.
- Grammar analysis.
- Computer applications in the teaching of Language and Literature.
- The importance of image in communication.
- Communication and interaction in the classroom of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Active learning of grammar.
- Professional development of ELE teachers. How to carry out an action research project.
I am the author of ‘Las perífrasis verbales‘ and co-author of ‘Los Verbos Españoles’, ‘Ser y estar. Verbos atributivos del español’, ‘Manual de Ortografía española‘(published by the Colegio de España). I have also collaborated in the elaboration of the ‘Cuaderno de Ejercicios B1 y B2‘ used in the courses of the Colegio de España.

I am also a preparer and examiner of the DELE exams accredited by the Cervantes Institute. I have participated in different courses organized by the University of Salamanca, Menéndez Pelayo International University, the Spanish General Library Society (SGEL), the Official School of Languages of Salamanca, etc: congresses, workshops, meetings... among which it is worth mentioning:
- From the class manual to the screen: A new orientation of the student's gaze. ICT: Interactive digital material and other resources.
- Internet for educators: Sources and didactic resources.
- Didactic Programming: The didactic unit as the basis for programming in the classroom.
- The creation of the character in the novel.
- Didactic and methodological training for ELE teachers.
- Balance in Literature in the 20th century.
- What we call art (The aesthetic criterion).
- Rhetoric as a communication tool.

I have also carried out support and orientation activities for students from different American universities (Massachusetts University, Rhode Island, Southern Connecticut University). In addition, I have collaborated in extracurricular activities such as trips and visits to the city.
I have attended training and improvement courses for Spanish teachers organized by the Cervantes Institute, the University of Salamanca, the Pontifical University of Salamanca, etc. as:
- The teaching of grammar in the ELE classroom. Specific problems for non-native speakers.
- Active learning of grammar.

I have been an ELE teacher since 1995. In the period from 2010 to 2013 I taught courses in Commercial and Business Spanish, an activity that I continue to carry out when required by students, for which I prepared the workbook ‘Español Comercial y de los Negocios'. I have participated in activities with the students of ELE: visits to the city, museums, trips to different localities of the community.
Further training:
- Course for the training of teachers as a foreign language (Cervantes Institute).
- Course on Quality Law and Teaching Function (IUCE: University Institute of Education Sciences).
- Course on Quality Law: New Educational Perspectives (IUCE).
- Course on teaching function at levels prior to university (IUCE).
- Teacher training course in study procedures and techniques (CSI.nCSIF).
- Course on Actors in rural and cultural tourism in Junta of Castile and León (FECITCAL, Salamanca).
- Braille Reading and Writing Course (ONCE, Salamanca).