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The Colegio de España, Accredited Center by the Cervantes Institute, is also Exam Center for the DELE and CCSE examinations.


To pass the CCSE exam is one of the requirements for residents in Spain to obtain Spanish citizenship.  This exam evaluates the constitutional and socio-cultural knowledge of Spain.  The examinations take place the last Thursday of each month at 6.00p.m., except during the months of August and December (there are no exams these two months).

The exam, elaborated by the Cervantes Institute, is a multiple choice test y has 25 questions.  To pass the exam the candidates should reply correctly to 15 of the 25 questions, organized in five tasks.  The exam lasts for 45 minutes and the results are communicated about twenty days after having taken the exam.

Those candidates who take the exam at the Colegio de España, can attend a preparatory class free of charge a few days before the exam.


This test is another requirement to obtain the citizenship for those who come from non-speaking Spanish country, seeing that those candidates need the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) Level A2 or higher.

The diplomas DELE of Spanish are official certificates which recognize the level of competence and knowledge of Spanish language, granted by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Cultural and Sport in Spain.

The DELE examinations have been designed according to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and the Manual for relating Language Examinations to the CEFR, both title of the European Council.

The linguistic contents which are included in the DELE examination can be found in the document Curricular plan of the Cervantes Institute.  Levels of reference for Spanish Language (Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes.  Niveles de Referencia para el Español (NRE), developed by the Cervantes Institute and based on the descriptions of the CEFR.

The DELE Diplomas are offered in all levels indicated in the CEFR: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

The Colegio offer preparatory courses for the DELE examinations (60 sessions of class) during the four weeks previous to the exams.  Nevertheless for those who wish to obtain the citizenship, we offer a special preparatory course for the A2-level of two weeks’ duration (15 sessions).

Our courses are taught by teachers accredited by the Cervantes Institute as DELE Examiners.

-The dates for the DELE exams in 2017 are:


FEBRUARY: 10th February Level A2

APRIL:  7th April Levels  A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

MAY: 13th May Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

JULY : 14th July Levels A2, B1, B2, C1

SEPTEMBER: 15th September Level A2

OCTOBER: 13th October Level A2, B1, B2

NOVEMBER: 25th November Levels A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

We wish you good luck with your exams!