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Hispanic Studies Courses

Learn more about the most interesting aspects of Hispanic American culture and improve your Spanish

Hispanic Studies Courses

The Hispanic Studies Program, with more than 45 years of trajectory, is ideal for students who wish to take a long duration course. During this course, in small groups, a wide variety of subjects are taught which will allow you to improve your Spanish and at the same time, further your knowledge on history, literature, art, cinema and other aspects of Spanish and Hispanic American culture. In this course teachers of the most prestigious universities worldwide have participated (Harvard University, Yale University, New York, Montreal, Puerto Rico, etc.).

This course can be taken in different modalities depending on the duration of your stay: Annual Course (32 weeks), Autumn Course (11 weeks), Winter Course (12 weeks), Spring Course (9 weeks) and Summer Course (4 weeks).


Get to know, understand and widen your knowledge on Spanish-speaking countries.

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