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Do you want to obtain the Official Diploma for Spanish (DELE)?

Maybe one of your resolutions for 2020 is to improve your Spanish and obtain an official title which certifies your knowledge. As many of you might know, the official title is the DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language) granted by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education.

How do I obtain a DELE Diploma?

Prepárate con nosotros- Colegio de España

To obtain the official accredited diploma, you should pass the examinations designed according to the guidelines given by the Council of Europe and published in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages : Learning, teaching and assessment (CEFR). The linguistic contents of the DELE examination are collected in the Curricula Plan of the Cervantes Institute.

Why is the DELE useful for me?

The DELE has indefinite validity and international recognition. It will offer you a high geographical mobility both in the professional as in the academic areas: it will open the doors of important companies worldwide; it will help you to obtain scholarships; in Spain, it allows you the access to universities, schools of business and job posts in the Public Administration (from level B2 upwards); it easens the process to obtain a student visa in Spain… Furthermore, the DELE Level A2 is an indispensable requirement to obtain Spanish citizenship.

Which levels of competence and mastery do the DELE diplomas certify?

The DELE Diploma cover all levels included in the CEFR:

  • Diploma for Spanish Level A1.
  • Diploma for Spanish Level A2.
  • Diploma for Spanish Level B1.
  • Diploma for Spanish Level B2.
  • Diploma for Spanish Level C1.
  • Diploma for Spanish Level C2.

How are the DELE examinations structured?

The test of these examinations are structured in four blocks with different tasks for each one of them (depending on the level), excepto for level C2, which only has three blocks.

The general structure of the DELE Examinations for levels A1 – B2 is the following:

Tests of the Examinations DELE A1-B2
Tests of the DELE examinations A1-B2 Maximum score of the test out of 100 points of the DELE Examination  Minimum score to PASS
Reading Comprehension 25 points 30 points
Written Expression and Interaction 25 points
Listening Comprehension 25 points 30 points
Oral Expression and Interaction 25 points

The general structure of the DELE Examination for Level C1 is the following:

Tests of DELE Examination C1 Maximum score of the test out of 100 points of the DELE Examination Minimum score to pass
Reading Comprehension and use of language 25 points 30 points
Integrated skills: Listening comprehension and written expression and interaction 25 points
Listening comprehension and use of language 25 points 30 points
Integrated skills: Reading comprehension and oral expression and interaction 25 points

The general structure of the DELE Examination for Level C2 is the following:

Test of DELE Examination C2 Maximum score of the test out of 100 points of the DELE Examination Minimum score to pass
Integrated skills: Use of language, reading and listening comprehension 33,33 points 20 points
Integrated skills: Listening and reading comprehension and written expression and interaction 33,33 points 20 points
Integrated skills: Reading comprehension and oral expression and interaction 33,34 points 20 points

The tasks of each test are placed into its personal, public, educational and professional context, and the aim is to certify the degree of general linguistic competence of Spanish.

From level B1 upwards, the DELE examinations include in its comprehension tests the principal variations of Spanish, which are also considered to be valid during the tests of expression of the candidates.

More information on the structure and contents of the tests of the DELE examinations.

How much does the examination costs?

The price of the inscription depends on the level of Spanish you choose and the country where you will take the examination. Each candidate should consult the price of the diploma chosen at DELE Exam Centre of the country where he/she will take the examination.

The current prices (2020) in Spain are the following:

  • A1: 108 euros
  • A2: 130 euros
  • B1: 160 euros
  • B2: 190 euros
  • C1: 205 euros
  • C2: 220 euros

When can I take the examination?

The planned dates for 2020 are the following:

  • Febrary(Friday, 14): A2 (Inscriptions until 8th January).
  • April (Friday, 17): A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 (Inscriptions until 19th February).
  • May (Saturday, 16): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 (Inscriptions until 18th March).
  • July (Friday, 10): A2, B1, B2 and C1 (Inscriptions until 13th May).
  • September (Friday, 11): A2 (Inscriptions until 15th July).
  • October (Friday, 2): A2, B1 and B2 (Inscriptions until 5th August).
  • November (Saturday, 14): A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 (Inscriptions until 7th October).

Where can I find information on how to prepare the examination?

On the following link Prepare the examination you can find examples of answer sheets and examinations.

Where can I take the examination?

At our school, apart from taking the examination (we are an official exam centre), you can prepare for the exam, we offer specific courses throughout the whole year. Our DELE Preparatory courses are taught by teachers, accredited by the Cervantes Institute as official examiners, and a wide experience preparing the DELE examinations. We can also help you withe inscription and we will give you all information you might need.

If you are not in Salamanca, you can take the examination in many centres all around the world.  For more information here.

How long does the examination lasts?

The duration of the written part, to which you should add a 30-minute break, varies according to the level: A1 (1 hour and 35 minutes), A2 (2 hours and 30 minutes), B1 (2 hours and 50 minutes), B2 (3 hours and 10 minutes), C1 (3 hours and 40 minutes), C2 (4 hours and 15 minutes).

The oral exam normally takes place two or three days before the written exam, nevertheless in some cases, it might take place the same day. The duration of the oral part also depends on the level : A1 (10 minutes plus other 10 to prepare), A2 (12 minutes and 12 to prepare), B1 (15 minutes and 15 to prepare), B2 (20 minutes and 20 to prepare), C1 (10 minutes and 20 to prepare), C2 (20 minutes and 30 to prepare).

Do you feel like taking the examination?  In that case, count on us!