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Carnaval del toro-Ciudad rodrigo.Discover the Carnaval del Toro in Ciudad Rodrigo

The Bull Carnival is considered one of the oldest celebrations in Spain, one of the places where the carnival is experienced with greatest intensity is in Ciudad Rodrigo.

The Ciudad Rodrigo Bull Carnival has been declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest.

Ciudad Rodrigo: History and Bullfighting Tradition

Ciudad Rodrigo, situated at 84 kms from Salamanca, is the centre of the region known as Campo Charro (Salamanca countryside), a wide extension of fields dedicated to cattle raising and especially the breeding of fighting bulls.  The fields, the “encinares and “plazas de tienta” have turned the landscape into something unmistakable.

el carnaval del toro-tradiciones de españa

The Bull: Protagonist of the Carnival

During the Carnivals in Ciudad Rodrigo, the bulls will be the protagonists of the festivities, together with the masks, disguises and brass bands (charangas) which cheer up the streets.  During four days there will be bull pens (encierros), bullfights with young bulls (capeas) and bullfights (corridas).

Since the time that Ernest Hemingway popularizes the bull pens of San Fermín in his work “Fiesta”, many foreigners connect this tradition with Pamplona, nevertheless many Spanish towns have bull pens.

The Origin of the Bull Runs

The bull runs originated as a way to transport fighting bulls from the pastures to the bullrings. In the past, these journeys were done across the countryside and ended in the main square, where bullfighting events were held. To ensure a fast and safe transfer, young men would run ahead of the bulls, catching their attention and guiding them into the ring. Although today the bulls arrive by truck, the tradition of bull runs remains alive in many Spanish towns.

Types of Bull Runs in Ciudad Rodrigo

In Ciudad Rodrigo two types of bull pens take place:

  • One on horseback, which takes place on Sunday morning and done by expert horsemen who take the bulls from the farm to the village, carrying large sticks used to guide the animals.
  • The other one is in the village and start on the outside of the city wall, crosses several streets of the historical centre and ends on its Plaza Mayor, turned into a bullfighting arena those days.  Once they have arrived to the Plaza, the bulls are taken to the bullpens below the Town Hall.

The “Campana Gorda”: The Sound of the Bull Run

One of the most characteristic elements of the bull run in Ciudad Rodrigo is the Town Hall bell, known as the “Campana Gorda”. Its ringing marks the start of the bull run, warning everyone that the bulls are on the streets, and it also signals the end when the animals have reached the ring.

corrida de toros- Tradiciones de España

Activities After the Bull Run

After the morning bull run, the festivities continue with the capea, where participants can showcase their skills by facing the bulls in the ring. In the afternoon, the bullfight takes place, a key event of the carnival.

If you want to experience one of Spain’s most authentic festivals up close, don’t miss the Bull Carnival!